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Worship and Wonder

Worship and Wonder is "a worship-centered approach to faith formation for young children" and is offered during the Second Service on Sunday's and during the Wednesday night service from September through May. 

During every service, children begin in the main Sanctuary with their parents. Following Children's Moment, the children are led downstairs to the Worship and Wonder room by the Deacon. The Storyteller facilitates the worship with help from the Deacon. Two non-related adults are with the children at all times. The Worship and Wonder service includes a Feast that generally includes juice, crackers, fruit, and cheese. Please inform Pastor Clint, one of the Deacons or Elders, or Ms. Anna if your child has dietary restrictions.


Children are released from the Worship and Wonder room only when a parent or other responsible adult personally arrives to take the child. 

Kid enjoying children's church at First Christian Church Athens
Children in Children's Church
Child in Worship and Wonder, First Christian Church Athens Children's Service
Children's Church Calendar
Ms. Wendy as storyteller for children's Worship and Wonder

Ms. Wendy tells a Parable as Storyteller during

Worship and Wonder. 

Children reflect on the stories they have heard during Reflection time.

Children's Art
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